
Municipality is an administrative unit of the state territory established by law, whose community has the right of self-government guaranteed by the Constitution, implemented through the Municipal Council, which was elected by the permanent residents of the territory. Municipality is a public legal entity.


Two institutions are responsible for implementing the law of self-government:

  • municipality representing body - Municipal Council.
  • municipal executive authority - municipality administration Director (Deputy Director).


Functions of municipalities in the area of decision-making are divided into:

  • independent. These functions are exercised by the municipality in accordance with competence of the Constitution and laws, obligations to the community and its interests.
  • state (State transferred to municipalities). These are the functions of the State, which are passed by law to the municipalities, based on the interests of a local population. In exercising these functions, the municipality has the lawful freedom of decision-making.


Functions of municipalities in the area of nature of operations are divided into:

  • local authorities;
  • public administration (provision of administrative services);
  • provision of public services.


Municipality is responsible for providing public services to the population. These services are provided by budget and public institutions, municipal enterprises, public companies and other entities.


Government officials appointed by the Government itself (Government representatives) are responsible to monitor municipalities on how they comply with the laws and implements the decisions of the Government.

Last Update: 2018-03-12 13:49:54