Roads to all parts of Europe run from Ukmergė.  International cooperation is a perfect opportunity to find friends, gain experience, find partners for the realization of joint projects. The cities – partners of Ukmergė are: Tarnowo Podgórne (Poland), Кам'янець-Подільський (Ukraine),  Līvāni (Latvia), Kiskunmajsa (Hungary), Herrljunga Kommun (Sweden), Wetteraukreis (Germany), Unstrut-Heinich-Kreis (Germany), Comune di Cologno al Serio (Italy), Worcester (Great Britain), Жодзiнa (Belarus), Ашмяны (Belarus).


                    Photo by: Dainius Vytas


                    Photo by: Dainius Vytas

Last Update: 2018-04-10 08:54:20