Telephone information lines: +370 340 60302, +370 340 60314, + 370 656 53114

Mayor of municipality +370 340 0300, +370 612 67918

Deputy Mayor of municipality +370 340 60303, +370 698 30600

Council Secretariat +370 340 60262, +370 340 69793, +370 682 83511

Mayor's Advisor +370 340 60347, +370 620 65981

Control and Audit Office +370 340 60317, +370 686 39709


Administrative Director +370 340 60333, +370 611 40110

Deputy Administrative Director + 370 340 60313, +370 655 24520


Youth Affairs Coordinator +370 340 63363, +370 611 46787

Municipality doctor +370 340 63824, +370 600 16884

Senior Specialist for Civil Protection and Mobilization +370 340 63433, +370 698 29476


Department of Architecture and Urbanism +370 340 60350, +370 340 60322

Centralized Internal Audit Department +370 340 63614, +370 686 89848

Civil Registry Office +370 340 63229, +370 340 63193, +370 656 53118

Information Technology and Public Relations Department +370 340 60319, +370 340 60219, +370 656 53113

Investment and Foreign Relations Department +370 340 60343, +370 340 60345, +370 656 53117

Culture and Tourism Department +370 340 43124, +370 340 48193, +370 687 40586


Personnel and Document Management Department +370 340 60304, +370 656 53101

                  Personnel and Document Management Subdivision +370 340 60346, +370 618 71349

                  Economic Service Department +370 340 60306, +370 687 83920

Construction and Infrastructure Department +370 340 60471, +370 616 51290

Strategic Planning and Budget Department +370 340 60310, +370 340 60312, +370 612 67916

Education and Sports Department +370 340 63416, +370 340 63615, +370 682 30707

Legal Department +370 340 60308, +370 340 60305, +370 656 53116


Asset Management and Accounting Department +370 340 60325

                    Accounting Subdivision +370 340 60326, +370 340 60268, +370 650 31622

                    Asset and Corporate Management Subdivision +370 340 60329, +370 340 60327, +370 614 37962

Child Rights Protection and Social Support Department +370 340 60340, +370 614 60330,

Child Rights Protection Subdivision +370 340 60341, +370 340 60342, +370 656 53119

Social Support Administration Subdivision +370 340 60330, +370 340 60332, +370 687 59107

Public Order and Environmental Protection Department +370 340 60351, +370 611 35277

                     Toll Subdivision +370 340 60335, +370 614 49629

                     Public Order and Environmental Protection Subdivision +370 340 60351, +370 340 60339, +370 699 80131

                     Public Procurement Department +370 340 60477, +370 340 60266, +370 687 40611


Agriculture and Rural Development Department +370 340 60320, +370 340 60349, +370 656 53201


Last Update: 2018-03-19 11:03:22